
Watch Leather World Porn Online Free

Watch Leather World Porn Online Free

Leather World. Welcome to an amusement park for adults, where every forbidden fantasy is yours for the asking! It begins like an erotic game; John (Tony Tedeschi) is taken by two Leather Girls (Militia and Ember). They throw him in the back of a van and ravage him to explore the darker side of his sexuality by "hooking up" with her hand-made androids. They're human in every way - and more! Meanwhile, the Hostess experiences her own creations in a hot round of double penetration. The Technician (John Decker) also puts a spark into the latest model (Lauren Montgomery). After witnessing many sizzling encounters, John discovers that his hidden desire is nothing less than a backdoor encounter with the Hostess! Leather World - where you don't get out... until you get off!. Awards for "Leather World".